Take an uninterrupted break away from your business

Hire an experienced CEO Co-Pilot from within The Engine so you can recharge with confidence 

Plugin Interim CEO service for business continuity and operational support for CEOs and business owners  

Are you committed to your Founder Energy? You can’t inspire others, bring success and purpose for the business if you are running on empty! 

With a bit of planning & preparation and having the right Co-Pilot taking an uninterrupted break is within your grasp. 
HIRE AN INTERIM CEO from within The Engine offers an experienced plugin CEO from as little as ½ a day a week (or longer) to provide business continuity and operational support for CEOs and business owners – to step away or have as additional support to drive your business.

Do you dream about having a few days off but wonder how your business will be able to run without you there?

Do you worry about what will happen to your business in case of a medical event or family emergency?

Not having the capacity to step away from your business puts everything you are working for at risk.

Burning the candle at both ends keeps things going on the surface, but is not a sustainable growth strategy.

It won’t be long before overwhelm turns to burnout and the state of your personal well-being leaves your business critically vulnerable.

Perhaps you want to step back and start working a 4-day week or work on a personal project.

Maybe you just need to share the heavy lifting with an experienced pair of hands that isn’t too close to your business and can keep things moving forward when you need a break.

The plugin CEO service from The Engine offers you just that, and more.

We step into your business as an experienced support crew to help you and your team navigate business as usual while providing leadership direction and operational efficiency.

Don’t let opportunities for travel, personal and business growth pass you by because you didn’t have anyone you could trust to give the reins to.

Don’t wait until you are completely burned out without the option to test situations before you need them.
CEOs and business owners don’t need to carry the load on their own.
We can help to give you the relief you need.

Why The Engine

The Engine is a specialist business advisory network of trusted industry professionals, advisors and experts.

Our trusted CEO service can provide you and your business with the growth-focused capability and operational continuity support you need to protect your business while you are away.

We step in with a clear mandate giving business owners and CEOs the space and time they need to take a breather.

Our extensive knowledge combined with years of demonstrated governance and experience provides a trusted level of capability that owners and CEOs come to rely on.

Don’t wait until challenges and vulnerability present themselves. You are your biggest investment; we can help you protect your business and your health.

How our CEO service can support you and your business

Give you an opportunity to step away from your business with total peace of mind while you work on big projects, convalesce or head out on a holiday.

We’ll be your support crew with experience bringing leadership, direction and operational continuity.

Help you press pause so you can pass over the business reins, reducing overwhelm and burnout.

We’ll help your business engine hum and safeguard your business while you are away.

Let us do the heavy lifting


Don’t leave your business vulnerable

The Engine’s 3-Step Process


With a fresh pair of eyes, we will dig deep and start with a full 360 review of your business.


We’ll develop a tailored CEO plan so you can step away from your business with confidence.


We’ll step in and work alongside you as your co-pilot with a clear mandate to get the job done.

For many of our clients we even stay on the journey

Having a Co-Pilot CEOs is a smart strategic move to enable CEOs/business owners to take a break, engage with a regular weekly break and/or bring on board a co-pilot to provide missing capability.  Don’t wait until it becomes a reactive situation.

Success Stories

What one of our many clients say about working with us

LinkedIn Live: Ep 4 

Family-run businesses are very common in New Zealand. However, navigating the transition of leadership needs careful planning and support to be successful. Watch this episode for a real story of family transition with Cora Lawton and Chris Lawton from Steelpac Construction. Facilitated by Catherine Cooke, Founder and Leading Business Advisor of The Engine and Kirit Lal a director of Walker Wayland Auckland Limited.


“Catherine has been an asset to our family business. We were struggling with governance and structure and she has helped us to implement this in our company. Our employees are now driven to achieving and our customers are even more satisfied with the products and services we provide them. Consulting with her has also had a positive effect on our finances.” 

Cora Lawton,

Director of Steelpac Construction 


Invest in yourself and safeguard your business

We know how hard it is to let go.

But by not sharing the load, you could be hurting your business, and not just holding it back.

Our reputation for excellence at The Engine precedes us.

We’d love to help you.

Please enter your details below.

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