Stay in Love with Your Business: Unleash Growth with The Engine.

Stay in Love with Your Business: Unleash Growth with The Engine.

Unleash Growth with The Engine & Defeat Procrastination!

Founders often embrace the mantra “fail fast, fail often,” yet as the year nears its end, it’s crucial to ask: do you have your strategy in place for the coming year, or have you deferred it once more to the new year’s backseat, where you know it will be again overlooked? Perfectionism and procrastination may seem intertwined, but remember, progress in your business doesn’t demand perfection; it thrives on continuous effort.

Embrace the Present: As we near year-end, seize this last quarter as your opportunity to infuse fresh energy into your business and prevent passion from fading away due to procrastination.

Chart Your Success Path: One often-overlooked aspect is crafting a robust exit strategy. Consider it your guiding compass toward a thriving future, whether you aim to sell, transition, or retire. This strategy not only charts your course but also maximises your business’s worth.

Elevate Your Business’s Appeal: Your value proposition is your ticket to reaping the rewards of your hard work. It’s what sets your business apart, making it truly unique. Without a strong value proposition, your business is like a puzzle with missing pieces. Invest time now to enhance it, making your business irresistible to both customers and potential successors.

Seize the Year-End Opportunity: Don’t wait until you feel stuck or lose your passion. The end of the year provides the perfect moment to set goals, refine your exit strategy, and bolster your value proposition.

Seize control of your business’s destiny today! Partnering with The Engine for a Business Warrant of Fitness which will deliver a comprehensive action plan and a compelling value proposition, guaranteeing that your passion remains ablaze.

– Catherine Cooke
Founder and Leading Business Advisor 

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The Engine’s Business Warrant of Fitness Audit

The Engine’s Business Warrant of Fitness Audit

Business Warrant of Fitness Audit

Can you afford to lose all you have worked hard for?


Are you confident you are meeting all the necessary legal & regulatory requirements under New Zealand Law? Would your business pass an annual Warrant of Fitness?

Our Business Warrant of Fitness (BWOF) Audit will identify blind spots & deliver action plans. In today’s competitive business landscape, it’s essential to ensure your small business is operating at its best. Just like you get a warrant for your car or building to ensure they meet safety and performance standards, your business needs one too.

That’s where The Engine’s Business Warrant of Fitness comes in.

This comprehensive assessment is designed to evaluate every aspect of your business, from operations to compliance, financial health, and growth potential. By giving your business this thorough check-up, you can identify areas for improvement, mitigate risks, and unleash its full potential for success.

Don’t leave your business’s performance to chance; give it the boost it deserves with the Business Warrant of Fitness. Start 2024 with purpose and a plan.

Our Business Warrant of Fitness is tailored to provide you with actionable insights and strategies to enhance your business’s performance. Join the countless small businesses that have already taken the step towards improved performance and long-term sustainability. Start 2024 with BUSINESS CONFIDENCE.

– Catherine Cooke
Founder and Leading Business Advisor 

Read our full newsletter below for upcoming workshops, events, case studies and more. 

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Clarity in Business – Are You Feeling Lost?

Clarity in Business – Are You Feeling Lost?

Clarity in Business – Are You Lost?

Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

At some point in our life we’ve all been camping and used a compass to point us in the right direction. That compass in business is called clarity. Every week we are approached by business owners lost in the barbed wire, confused and spinning and without a connection of love and purpose for their business. In fact knowing they can engage us as a Co-Pilot (Hire an Interim CEO) is proving to be the hidden gem for many business owners.

If this sounds like you then you are ‘normal‘. Your business will be more sustainable if you have clarity & build it around what you love. Clarity helps you determine the best strategies for success, identify your target market & communicate messages effectively, be it with marketing campaigns, communication to your clients, employees or stakeholders, and most of all make better decisions.

For every business that we work with, we really unpack where everyone attached to the business is at and define if the current journey is applicable; or even if others are aware of what that journey is. You simply can’t expect others to walk with you if you don’t even know what that journey looks like.

Become a force of nature. Be the change your business needs. We are working with others like you. Clarity brings purpose. Passion fuels persistence. Having an experienced Co-Pilot will give you a different perspective and accountability.

Procrastination and other stakeholders holding you back is bad for business. Don’t use it as the reason to hold you back.

Take action and achieve success.

– Catherine Cooke
Founder and Leading Business Advisor 

Read our full newsletter below for upcoming workshops, events, case studies and more. 

Navigate by clicking on the far right or left of the pages below. 

Are you falling short of your Director Responsibilities?

Are you falling short of your Director Responsibilities?

Are you falling short of your Director Responsibilities?

Good governance delivers on the promise of the business.

The Engine’s Our Executive Board service offers board structure, business security, stakeholder confidence and adversity resilience for the risk-averse.

Good governance structure is about legal compliance, mitigating risk and bringing outside expertise to the table for growth, PR and high-level business structure.

Do you feel like you are constantly putting out fires with the banks, legal claims, staffing issues and workplace incidents?

If you have to choose which fires to put out because you are too burned out to deal with all of them, then this will put your business at risk. Good governance is leadership capability with accountability at stakeholder level that will protect your business before issues arise. Don’t wait until your brand, reputation and finances are at critical risk to take action.

Work with us at The Engine to mitigate you risk in governance & preserve your investment.

Read our full newsletter below for upcoming workshops, events, case studies and more. 

Navigate by clicking on the far right or left of the pages below. 

Burnout is real – Hire an Interim CEO so you can take a break.

Burnout is real – Hire an Interim CEO so you can take a break.

Dear CEO/Business Owner, when did you last take a break, an uninterrupted break?

Do you dream about having a few days off but wonder how your business will be able to run without you there?

Do you worry about what will happen to your business in case of a medical event or family emergency? Not having the capacity to step away from your business puts everything you are working for at risk.

Burning the candle at both ends keeps things going on the surface, but is not a sustainable growth strategy. It won’t be long before overwhelm turns to burnout and the state of your personal well-being leaves your business critically vulnerable.

Perhaps you want to step back and start working a 4-day week or work on a personal project.

Maybe you just need to share the heavy lifting with an experienced pair of hands that isn’t too close to your business and can keep things moving forward when you need a break.

The plugin CEO service from The Engine offers you just that, and more.

Read our full newsletter below for upcoming workshops, events and more. 

Governance is non-negotiable as a Business Owner.

Governance is non-negotiable as a Business Owner.

Governance is non-negotiable as a Business Owner.

Many Company Owners start a business without realising the responsibilities & weight required of a Director. When the buck stops with you, there is no room to shirk your duties. “I didn’t know” doesn’t cut it“. 

As a Director you have obligations by law to your business and to your employees. At the end of the day, you are accountable for what your business does both with and without your knowledge. You need to be in the full know. It is imperative that you understand your business operations, your cashflow, and ensure you have a robust business plan.

You have a responsibility to provide cashflow, mitigate risk and have a plan to operate or survive your business through times of crisis and disruption. Now is the time to ask what you don’t know – ask, prepare, plan & test – repeat. Once crisis hits, without a plan you’ll have a sinking ship.

Don’t let your lack of knowledge get in the way of your success. Protect your business – after all you have spent years building it

Read our full newsletter below for upcoming workshops, events and more.