First Impressions Matter
Returning to a life from ZOOM has been quite challenging for many people. In fact, I’m spending a lot of time working with business owners on the importance of punctuality. Time is the one thing in life that you can never get back but can be the one thing you are remembered for if you are late. Being punctual has so many benefits.
- Punctuality shows you are organised;
- You are a dependable partner;
- You care about your company’s reputation;
- Punctuality reflects professionalism and attention to detail;
- And that you respect the time of others.
Punctuality also reflects greatly on productivity. Having work ready employees, engaged and with a plan means you are more likely to be celebrating achievement.
Is punctuality a value of your business? Does your business have values?
We’d love to help you build meaningful values in your business.
Read our full newsletter below.